60 Minutes and Pope Francis

I just finished watching 60 Minutes sharing a new movie coming soon about Pope Francis. He is asked why does God allow children to suffer ? He thinks for a second then says ,”Well God also allowed his only Son to suffer on the Cross.” (Not an exact quote)
For those who believe in God, and believe He had a Son who suffered and died on a Cross, wouldn’t it make more sense that God would spare the suffering of Children having gone through this with his own Son ?
If I lost a Child or Grandchild, I certainly would want to spare everyone this same experience , wouldn’t you ? wouldn’t a real God ?

Categories: Uncategorized | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “60 Minutes and Pope Francis

  1. The nonsense that is put forward by believers is really quite ludicrous, isn’t it?
    I think there was an idea that this new Pope would be radically different from previous ones but time and time again he’s indicated that he’s every bit as dogmatic, rigid, and fundamentally as dedicated to the party line as all the rest have been. (But then again, I can certainly be accused of having absolutely not one shred of respect or admiration for anything having to do with Catholicism)
    For someone who is prohibited from being a father, it certainly is mystifying why he’d use that example. ..

    Liked by 4 people

    • Good point Carmen ! Especially your last sentence . Nice hearing from you again. Hope all is well !


    • NIGEL is a TEAPOT

      Priests are Spiritual Fathers to EVERYONE in Their Parish. Bishops to EVERYONE in Their Diocese. Pope to EVERYONE, period.

      That is why we call them “Father.” Now you know.

      Do you support the harm of in the womb?

      Victim Souls are people who are United to The Cross to pay for your sin because you refuse to.

      this is why you freak out when you see Victim Souls as you see what you deserve (and will get) Eternally.

      The Church Created all you know and take for granted, and you lose it without your Remaining Catholic Capital.

      Two quotes from Venerable Fulton Sheen to you:
      “If some of us who are blessed with its sacred privileges believed the same things about the Church that her slanderers believe, if we knew her only through the words of traitors or third-rate lies of dishonest historians, if we understood her only through those who were never cradled in her sacred associations, we would perhaps hate the Church just as much as they do. The bitterest enemies of the Church, those who accuse her of being unpatriotic, as Christ was accused of being before Pilate; of being unworldly, as Christ was accused of being before Herod; of being too dogmatic, as Christ was accused of being before Caiaphas; or being too undogmatic, as Christ was accused of being Annas; of being possessed by the devil, as Christ was accused of being before the Pharisees — these do not really hate the Church. They cannot hate the Church any more than they can hate Christ; they hate only that which they mistakenly believe to be the Catholic Church, and their hate is but their vain attempt to ignore. Charity, then, must be shown to persons, and particularly to those outside the fold who by charity must be led back, that there may be one fold and one Shepherd.”

      “But it is anything but progress to act like mice and eat the foundations of the very roof over our heads. Intolerance about principles is the foundation of growth, and the mathematician who would deride a square for always having four sides, and in the name of progress would encourage it to throw away even only one of its sides, would soon discover that he had lost all his squares. So too with the dogmas of the Church, of science, and of reason; they are like bricks, solid things with which a man can build, not like straw, which is “religious experience,” fit only for burning.
      A dogma, then, is the necessary consequence of the intolerance of first principles, and that science or that church which has the greatest amount of dogmas is the science or the church that has been doing the most thinking. The Catholic Church, the schoolmaster for twenty centuries, has been doing a tremendous amount of solid, hard thinking and hence has built up dogmas as a man might build a house of brick but grounded on a rock. She has seen the centuries with their passing enthusiasms and momentary loyalties pass before her, making the same mistakes, cultivating the same poses, falling into the same mental snares, so that she has become very patient and kind to the erring pupils, but very intolerant and severe concerning the false. She has been and she will always be intolerant so far as the rights of God are concerned, for heresy, error, untruth, affect not personal matters on which she may yield, but a Divine Right in which there is no yielding. Meek she is to the erring, but violent to the error. The truth is divine; the heretic is human. Due reparation made, she will admit the heretic back into the treasury of her souls, but never the heresy into the treasury of her wisdom. Right is right if nobody is right, and wrong is wrong if everybody is wrong. And in this day and age we need, as Mr. Chesterton tells us, “not a Church that is right when the world is right, but a Church that is right when the world is wrong.””


  2. I’m back in the land of the kookaburras again. . . It’s cool here!


  3. Lucky You ! Safe travels !


  4. Well, well . .. looks like your post attracted some unwanted attention, kc. ;). Do take care, eh?

    Liked by 1 person

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