Sometimes the Truth Hurts

I found this video very interesting.  I would normally apologize for this person’s language but sometimes this is the only way to convey the truth.  Like what he says or not, I think he may be right.

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5 thoughts on “Sometimes the Truth Hurts

  1. I’ve been reading articles on Counter Punch all morning and that seems to be their take on the election – that the Democratic Party has no one to blame but itself for not realizing that an establishment candidate just wouldn’t appeal to millions of Americans.
    As an astonished Canadian – and I honestly had no idea that he’d win; in fact I admonished Ark for even putting the thought in the air – I’ve been trying to make sense of the fiasco. 😦

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It’s much more complex than his rant would suggest.


  3. I’m all ears


    • Where do I begin? Let’s start with the religious right. Why did Trump appeal to them?

      I agree that Hillary was part of the establishment, and that people were fed up with the establishment (on the surface), yet much of the religious right were scared shitless of Bernie, even though he represented the gospel message more than any other candidate. Decade after decade, they continue to vote for the exact same neoliberal-neoconservative legislators at the state level. Why? Because they hold similar tribal values, or those neoliberal-neoconservative legislators pretend they do to remain in office.

      I also think that when we address the neurological aspects at play, we can have a better understanding of why people reacted this way.

      “The election exposed a deep rift in society, chilling fear and ugly tribalism. Whether these real divisions in society will explode into factionalism or unite us will be determined by the same neural circuitry in our prefrontal cortex that separates “us from them.”

      Either this circuitry will divide us or unite us with the realization that no matter what differences we may have, we are nevertheless united by a larger common purpose and group—citizens of the United States. The electorate has concluded that the best person to succeed in manipulating this neural circuitry so vital to our survival is not a statesman, but rather a salesman. Time will tell.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So very true… and the bit about May is spot on. In Aust I generally vote Liberal, our “conservatives.” Of course, I didn’t vote for Tony Abbott, but that’s beyond the point. The point being, our “conservatives” are actually more left than your Democrats. Our “conservatives” are normal, and they pretty much occupy the same politcal space as Labor: the Middle.

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